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traditional therapies

The practice (at the naturopathy center) of using touch as a healing method dates back thousands of years to ancient cultures that believed in its medical benefits. A sacred system of natural healing first recorded in China and Egypt, Massage Therapy manipulates the muscles and other soft tissues of the body to give relief from pain and other conditions. It is a holistic healing method that has evolved with the changing times.


A therapy (at natural therapy center) that leverages the healing properties of the fragrances, involves soothing massage using a blend of aromatic oils. It helps in lowering high blood pressure, improving blood circulation, inducing sleep and detoxification.


This massage involves rubbing muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. It helps in muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation, and stimulates the nervous system, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood. It boosts up immunity, improves flexibility and stress management.


Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders, including arthritis, spinal cord injuries, etc. It involves special exercises in a warm pool of water and helps in addressing hormonal imbalances while working as a stress therapy.


The very massage works on the deep layers of muscle, fascia and the connective tissue in the body. Firmer pressure is used to reach these key areas. It works excellently in terms of pain management, reduces anxiety and depression, makes movements easier and improves the functioning of lungs and heart. It is beneficial for muscle relaxation and for the body's internal organs.


A massage that involves the use of heated Basalt Stones and aromatic oils for a deep and relaxing massage. The massage penetrates deep into the muscles and activates reflex points of the body. It improves blood circulation, relieves fatigued muscles, and eases anxiety. It boosts energy and helps in pain management and sports injuries.


A world-famous massage therapy that involves gentle pressure and stretching techniques. It helps in combating stress, reducing muscular tension, and full-body relaxation. It stimulates blood circulation and is an energy booster.


A massage that acts as an antidote to metabolic waste. It is particularly beneficial in addressing water retention, detoxification, and weight loss.


A perfect solution for relaxation and stress, this massage is administered using deep thumb and finger pressure. Apart from relieving tension, the massage eliminates blockages from the shoulders, neck, back, and scalp.


A therapy designed for nourishment and relaxation. The massage increases blood circulation while nourishing and calming the nervous system. It promotes physical, mental, and emotional balance, and helps in detoxification and pain management.